Manuscripts are forwarded to editors for evaluation initially and subsequently to independent external reviewers to check if the research work presented in the manuscript:
- Falls within the scope of the journal and
- Meets the editorial criteria of BO in terms of originality and quality.
Regarding the first point, editors may recommend the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript by conducting the scope review themselves, based on their knowledge and experience, or they may take assistance and advice from other experts in the field.
Regarding the second point, Bentham conducts independent peer review on all papers submitted for publication. Before sending any manuscript to reviewers, Bentham Science seeks consent from potential reviewers and editorial board members about their availability and willingness to review the paper. Correspondence between the members of the journal’s editorial office and the reviewers is kept confidential. The reviewers are asked to:
- Accept or decline review invitation based on the title and abstract.
- Suggest alternative reviewers (optional) if the reviewers decline the review invitation based on their field of expertise not being directly relevant to the article scope, their busy schedule, or any potential conflict of interest with the authors.
Access to the full-text version of the manuscript is provided to the agreed reviewers via our online system ( To use our online peer-review system module, please read the reviewer’s manual or watch the tutorial.
Bentham follows a single-blind peer-review process where the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed to the authors.
Bentham follows a single-blind peer-review process where the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed to the authors, and also review report of one reviewer is kept confidential with other reviewers.
After receiving the review of the manuscript by at least three independent experts, in addition to the views of the editor, the decision is relayed to the authors via our Manuscript Processing System (MPS), which may be categorized as:
- Requires no changes
- Requires minor changes
- Requires major changes