Increase Visibility Of Your Article
We are keen to ensure your research study gets maximum reach and attention among the research and professional communities. Following are certain recommendations that may help you enhance the visibility of your work.
- Create ORCID ID and update your list of publications on ORCID
- Generate Shareable-PDF of the explanation you have given for your article on Kudos. Share this PDF via ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley and other research platforms.
- Explain your work on Wikipedia
- Create your own webpage and publish updates on freely accessible articles
- Present your work at Conferences (you can let us know which conferences you are attending and we can provide you with promotional material for your articles)
- Create accounts on Social Media platforms, for e.g. Blogging websites, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Gmail and other Google web applications. Publish posts to project your research on these media
- Join LinkedIn Groups relevant to your area of research and publish posts to project your article to the Group members
These activities can help you spread your work among the relevant audience, and provide the opportunity to increase readership and citations.