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John Atkinson-Abutridy
Department of Computer Sciences Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Santiago Chile

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Prof. John Atkinson-Abutridy is currently a professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Chile) where he also founded and leads the master degree program in Artificial Intelligence. He has been a university professor at several universities in Chile and abroad. He earned a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh (UK), a master degree in computer sciences from Universidad Federico Santa María (Chile), and a Diploma in Space Studies from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden). Furthermore, he has been AI consultant and transferred some intelligent system technologies into the national and international IT industries, as well as public organizations (i.e., the Chilean Army, the National Intelligence Agency, Ministry of Tourism, etc). He is also a professional member of the AAAI and won the senior member award of the ACM in 2010 for his professional contributions to computer sciences. He has also mentored undergraduate and graduate students, IT professionals, and AI specialists. Early 2022, professor Atkinson-Abutridy founded AI-Empowered (www.ai-empowered.com), an AI consultancy company that offers novel solutions to address complex problems and automation needs in your organization, aiming at helping and guiding organizations into a journey towards an AI- powered company, improving your productivity, customer experience, and automation processes.


[1] J Atkinson Natural language processing and text mining, 145-169
[2] J Atkinson, D Campos Expert Systems with Applications 47, 35-41
[3] J Atkinson-Abutridy, C Mellish, S Aitken IEEE Intelligent Systems 19 (3), 22-30
[4] A Ferreira, J Atkinson International Journal of Knowledge-based Systems 22 (7), 496-501
[5] F Gutierrez, J Atkinson Expert Systems with Applications 38 (5), 6146-6152
[6] J Atkinson, R Munoz Expert Systems with Applications 40 (11), 4346-4352
[7] J Atkinson, E Aravena Knowledge-Based Systems 22 (7), 502-508
[8] J Atkinson, V Bull Expert Systems with Applications 39 (17), 12968-12974
[9] J Atkinson-Abutridy, C Mellish, S Aitken IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 7 (6), 546-560
[10] J Atkinson, A Rivas IEEE Transactions on Information technology in Biomedicine 12 (6), 714-722