Acknowledgements to Reviewers

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Full-Text HTML Views: 226
Abstract HTML Views: 192
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ePub Downloads: 81
Total Views/Downloads: 674
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Full-Text HTML Views: 174
Abstract HTML Views: 146
PDF Downloads: 141
ePub Downloads: 64
Total Views/Downloads: 525

Creative Commons License
Copyright: 2022 Bentham Science Publishers

Bentham Science Publishers would like to thank and appreciate the co-operation from all reviewers for their constructive comments and feedback on the manuscripts submitted to The Chinese Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Their efforts have contributed greatly to the high quality and continuous growth of the journal. Given below is the list of reviewers who reviewed articles for the journal during 2022.

Wei-Chiang Hong (Taiwan)

Shangce Gao (Japan)

Thomas Hanne (Switzerland)

Leandro dos S. Coelho (Brazil)

Ahmet H. Ertas (Turkey)

Wenjian Luo (China)

Fernando Reyes-Cortés (Mexico)

Gai-Ge Wang (China)